Nokia Visiting Professors 2017

Nokia Visiting Professors 2017

Below you will find a complete list of all Nokia Visiting Professor recipients.

Bednarik Roman
University of Eastern Finland
Topic: New interactive technologies and tracking in surgical ORs - VR, gaze tracking, and remote video
Host: University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Grant: 10 000 €
Hosseinkhalaj Babak
Sharif University of Technology
Topic: Tradeoffs between computation and communication in virtual platforms in MEC and Fog Computing
Host: University of Oulu, Finland
Grant: 5 500 €
Lipsanen Harri
Aalto University
Topic: Emerging nanophotonics and electronics applications of new nanomaterials
Host: The University of Arizona, USA
Grant: 8 000 €
Rajatheva Premanandana
University of Oulu
Topic: UAV Networks-on-the-fly for Ubiquitous Sensing and Communication
Host: University of Manitoba, Cananda
Grant: 6 000 €
Uther Maria
University of Winchester
Topic: Sound principles for using sound in learning apps on mobile devices
Host: Cicero Learning based at University of Helsinki, Finland
Grant: 5 452 €