Nokia Scholarship 2013

Nokia Scholarship 2013

Nokia Foundation allocated a total of 455 500 Euros for the grants this year. Foundation awarded grants for 72 Nokia Scholarships , 9 Visiting Professors, one Fulbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair, and one Nokia Foundation Award. Foundation received a total of 311 grant applications for the Nokia Scholarships.

Below you will find a list of Nokia Scholarship recipients from the selected year.

Acharya Karthikeya
Topic: Design Implications from the Domestic Electric: As Products, Practices and Place
Grant: 5000 €
Akusok Anton
Topic: Machine Learning for Internet Security
Grant: 5000 €
Alves Hirley
Topic: On the Performance and Energy Efficiency Analysis of Full-Duplex Schemes
Grant: 5000 €
Arianfar Somaya
Topic: Speed matters- revisiting the Internet architecture
Grant: 5000 €
Ashraf Adnan
Topic: Cost-Efficient Virtual Machine Provisioning for Multi-tier Web Applications and Video Transcoding
Grant: 5000 €
Cierny Michal
Topic: Interference management for wireless cellular networks
Grant: 5000 €
Topic: Symeon Parametric spatial audio coding algorithms for post-filtering applications and sound-field reproduction
Grant: 5000 €
Diaz Rodriguez Natalia
Topic: Semantic and Fuzzy Modelling of Human Behaviour in Smart Spaces. A case study on Ambient Assisted Living
Grant: 5000 €
DING Yi (Aaron)
Topic: Enabling Efficient and Collaborative Traffic Management for Mobile Systems
Grant: 5000 €
Ebrahimi Masoumeh
Topic: Reliable Interconnection Network from Unreliable Components for Many-Core Embedded Systems
Grant: 5000 €
Fagerholm Fabian
Topic: Software Process Ergonomics: Enhancing Software Developer Experience in Open Environments
Grant: 3500 €
Ferdinand Nuwan Suresh
Topic: Lattice Codes for Cooperation: Theory, Security and Practical Perspectives
Grant: 5000 €
Georgiev Mihail
Topic: Fusion of 2D video and depth data captured by time-of-flight devices in poor sensing environments
Grant: 5000 €
Goncalves Jorge
Topic: Designing Technology to Foster Participation In-the-Wild
Grant: 5000 €
Hakkarainen Aki
Topic: Analysis and Mitigation Methods of RF Imperfections in Beamforming
Grant: 5000 €
He Xin
Topic: Optimal Rate-Distortion Allocation for Wireless Sensor Networks based on CEO problem
Grant: 5000 €
Heljo Petri
Topic: Printed Organic Diodes for RF and Logic Applications
Grant: 5000 €
Herrera Castro Daniel
Topic: Computer Vision Methods for Computational Photography and Free Viewpoint Rendering
Grant: 5000 €
Hirvonen Juho
Topic: Lower Bounds in Distributed Computing
Grant: 5000 €
Holvitie Johannes
Topic: Technical Debt Management as a Factor in Sustainable and Efficient Software Development
Grant: 5000 €
Huang Xiaohua
Topic: Emotion recognition from facial expressions for affective human-computer interaction
Grant: 4000 €
Islam Muhammad Nazrul
Topic: Optimizing the End User Experiences and Usability of Web Applications
Grant: 5000 €
Jafri Syed Mohammad Asad Hassan
Topic: Private configuration environments for massively parallel architectures. Thesis explores various virtualization techniques to enhance the application efficiency on massively parallel architectures.
Grant: 5000 €
Joachimiak Micha
Topic: Compression oriented 3D Video Processing
Grant: 5000 €
Jokhio Fareed Ahmed
Topic: Video transcoding with parallel and distributed computation
Grant: 5000 €
Jokinen Emma
Topic: Development and evaluation of intelligibility enhancing post-filtering algorithms for narrowband telephone speech
Grant: 5000 €
Joshi Satya Krishna
Topic: Radio Resource Management in Wireless Communication Networks (From the Optimal (Centralized) Solution towards Distributed Implementations)
Grant: 5000 €
Juhola Tomi
Topic: Agile software development methods as innovation drivers
Grant: 5000 €
Kaltiokallio Ossi
Topic: Gaining situational awareness in indoor environments through wireless communications
Grant: 5000 €
Karunarathna Suneth Namal
Topic: Secure Mobility Management in Future Heterogeneous Software Defined Networks
Grant: 5000 €
Khatun Afroza
Topic: Advanced Scanning Techniques for Field Synthesis and Near-field Antenna Measurements
Grant: 5000 €
Kizhakkepallathu Ashik Mathew
Topic: Combinatorial algorithms for some packing, covering and tiling problems
Grant: 5000 €
Komulainen (ne Määttä) Jukka
Topic: 2D Face Biometrics under Spoofing Attacks
Grant: 5000 €
Koski Eveliina
Topic: Nanofabrication and Characterisation of Templated Quantum Dot Arrays for Cellular Automata
Grant: 5000 €
Koski Karoliina
Topic: Issues in RFID-Enabled Body-Centric Wireless Systems
Grant: 5000 €
Kuparinen Liisa
Topic: Designing Mobile Map Services: the Viewpoint of Spatial Cognition in Navigation
Grant: 5000 €
Laddu Keeth
Topic: Energy Efficient Wireless Systems with Cooperative Relays, MIMO, and Physical Layer Network Coding
Grant: 5000 €
Lehtiniemi Arto
Topic: Iterative design and user evaluation of music discovery concepts
Grant: 5000 €
Leinonen Markus
Topic: Distributed Cross-layer Optimization in Energy Efficient Data Gathering Wireless Sensor Networks
Grant: 5000 €
Liyanage Lakmal
Topic: Secure Virtual Network Architectures for Future Telecommunication Networks
Grant: 5000 €
Maggioni Matteo
Topic: Adaptive nonlocal signal restoration and enhancement techniques for high-dimensional data
Grant: 5000 €
Mansikkaniemi André
Topic: Unsupervised Language Model Adaptation for Automatic Speech Recognition
Grant: 5000 €
Mehta Rakesh
Topic: Visual recognition from still images using textural cues
Grant: 5000 €
Molchanov Pavlo
Topic: Radar target classification: spectral approach
Grant: 5000 €
Moradi Elham
Topic: RFID Based Telemetry in Body-Centric Sensing Systems
Grant: 5000 €
Mäkitalo Niko
Topic: Coordinating devices and smart objects in mobile clouds
Grant: 4000 €
Nurkka Piia
Topic: The notion of user values: the effect of customization on user experience
Grant: 5000 €
Ojaniemi Jaakko
Topic: Data assimilation and mapping tools for radio environment modeling
Grant: 5000 €
Ostroumov Sergii
Topic: Rigorous Design and Efficient Implementation of Agent-based Management Systems for Many-Core Platforms
Grant: 5000 €
Pfister Tomas
Topic: Automatic Recognition of Sign Language
Grant: 5000 €
Prokhorova Iuliia
Topic: Rigorous Development of Safety-Critical Systems
Grant: 5000 €
Rezazadegan Tavakoli Hamed
Topic: Saliency detection in images and videos
Grant: 5000 €
Rodriguez Pilar
Topic: Combining Lean Thinking and Agile Software Development: How Do Software-Intensive Companies Use Them in Practice?
Grant: 5000 €
Roverato Enrico
Topic: All-Digital Wideband Transmitters for Mobile Applications
Grant: 5000 €
Saarikivi Olli
Topic: Automated testing methods for concurrent software
Grant: 5000 €
Schuss Christian
Topic: Modelling and Optimisation of Energy Harvesting from Renewable Energy Resources
Grant: 5000 €
Semkin Vasilii
Topic: Reconfigurable antenna arrays and radio-wave propagation for high-capacity millimeter-wave communications
Grant: 5000 €
Soleimany Hadi
Topic: Analysis of Lightweight Cryptographic Consturctions
Grant: 5000 €
Suomi (née Warma) Henna
Topic: Techno-economic feasibility analysis of multipath protocols in the Internet
Grant: 5000 €
Syeed Mahbubul
Topic: Comprehending co-evolution of OSS projects: Analytical methods and tool support
Grant: 4000 €
Tabarcea Andrei
Topic: Location-based Applications
Grant: 5000 €
Takala Tuukka
Topic: Software Platform for Developing 3D User Interfaces
Grant: 5000 €
Touray Almamy
Topic: Sustainable Solutions for Last Mile Internet Access: Critical Success Factors
Grant: 5000 €
Tuovinen Tommi
Topic: UWB Antennas and Radio Channel Measurements for Use in Wireless Body Area Networks
Grant: 5000 €
Waga Karol
Topic: Context Aware Recommendation of Location-based Data
Grant: 5000 €
Wagner Paul
Topic: Unifications in reinforcement learning, with applications to humanoid virtual actor design
Grant: 5000 €
Vathsavayi Sri Harsha
Topic: Applying Search-based Techniques for Software Architecture Design and Planning
Grant: 5000 €
Werner Janis
Topic: Sensing, Localization and Accessing Spatial Spectrum Holes in Cognitive Radio Networks
Grant: 5000 €
Vihavainen Arto
Topic: Evidence-driven Programming Education
Grant: 5000 €
Wu Zhengzhe
Topic: Spectral Image Segmentation and Object Recognition, a Combined Approach
Grant: 5000 €
Ylipulli Johanna
Topic: Adoption and Meanings of Ubiquitous Technology in Northern Urban Space
Grant: 5000 €
Zhang Nan
Topic: Techno-economic analysis of Internet content delivery technologies
Grant: 5000 €