Nokia Foundation Recognition Award 2023:
Antti Räisänen
Nokia Foundation recognizes Professor Emeritus Antti Räisänen from the Aalto University for his achievements in the advancement of radio engineering education and research in Finland.
Antti is a key person on the journey that established Finland as a forerunner in radio technologies for telecommunications and other applications. His relentless passion for developing the radio engineering education and research as well as setting in motion the collaboration between industry and academia have laid the foundation that established Finland as a global leader in Information and Communications Technology.
It should be acknowledged that Antti is one of the most prominent researchers in Finland in radio technology and science. He is a pioneer of the scientific research in the higher frequencies and for this as well as for his other scientific achievements he is one of the few persons in Finland who has received the prestigious IEEE Fellow distinction. During his career he has authored or coauthored more than 500 scientific or technical papers. In addition to his significant achievements in radio engineering research, Nokia Foundation wants to recognize with this award also his lifelong commitment to developing education in the field of radio engineering. During his career Antti has supervised more than 50 doctor’s degrees and his reputation as demanding yet highly committed teacher is legendary. Through his teaching and through his students Antti has been a key person in laying the foundation that enabled Finland to leave a mark in the pages of history as the birthplace of mobile communication. For this work Professor Emeritus Antti Räisänen receives the 28th Nokia Foundation Recognition Award.
Nokia Foundation Honorary Award 2023:
Timo Ali-Vehmas
Nokia Foundation has granted an Honorary Award to Timo Ali-Vehmas for his long-standing contributions and dedication to the Nokia Foundation. As the Chair of the Board of Directors, you navigated the Nokia Foundation securely through times of change. During this time Nokia went through many transformations, but your relentless work ensured that the traditions and mission of the Nokia Foundation continue to be upheld today. At the same time, you actively drove the development of the Nokia Foundation grant programs and enhanced particularly the international collaboration.
Nokia Foundation Recognition Award 2022: Maija Aksela
Nokia Foundation recognizes Professor Maija Aksela from the University of Helsinki, for her achievements in development of education in mathematics, natural sciences and technology.
High-quality expertise in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is the basis for technological development and future innovation and is central to Finland’s future prosperity and wellbeing. Teachers have a vital role to play in inspiring and enabling the next generation to pursue their studies in these fields.
Maija Aksela is Finland’s first professor of science education. She has more than 35 years of experience in the development of teaching and teacher training in STEM subjects as well as new and inspiring teaching methods. Nokia Foundation recognizes the outstanding achievements of Professor Maija Aksela in the development of education in mathematics, natural sciences and technology. Of special merit we wish to note her contributions to the LUMA Centre at the University of Helsinki which was established almost 20 years ago to promote the teaching and learning of mathematics, science and technology among pupils, students and teachers.
Nokia Foundation Award 2021:
Yrjö Neuvo
Nokia Foundation recognizes Yrjö Neuvo, PhD (EE), Professor and Research Director at Aalto University, for his outstanding achievements in the development of postgraduate education and collaboration with companies in Finland. Of special merit we wish to note the establishment of the PoDoCo (PostDocs for Companies) program for postdoctoral researchers and Bit Bang course for the postgraduate students.
Hannu Kauppinen, Chairman of the board of Nokia Foundation, said: “There’s an increasing need to employ doctors in the companies. Especially the Finnish technology companies, Nokia among others, need highly skilled experts who can help the companies to drive innovations and renew products and services. Strong relationships between universities and companies, and making the latest research results available are crucial for developing Finnish economy and society. With this award we want to demonstrate our appreciation for the important work that Yrjö Neuvo is doing to help the doctors become employed in the Finnish companies but also help the postgraduates develop the needed working-life skills.”
Nokia Foundation Award 2020:
Mikko Möttönen
The Nokia Foundation has granted a EUR 10,000 Recognition Award to: Professor Mikko Möttönen for achievements in quantum computing research. Quantum computing is an emerging breakthrough technology that will radically impact the principles of Information and Communication Technology in the coming years. Ground-breaking work undertaken in quantum computing in Finland has required long-term research in low-temperature physics, for example. With this award, we want to honor the importance of this work, significant recent achievements, and the extensive cooperation between those working in the field of university research and many other sectors of society. Of special merit, we wish to note the exceptionally courageous commercialization of the scientific results.
Nokia Foundation Award 2019: Hanna Hagström, Teemu Roos
Nokia Foundation has granted a Recognition Award 10 000 € to Elements of AI, Hanna Hagström, Teemu Roos.Elements of AI is an online course that has significantly impacted the awareness and knowledge on Artificial Intelligence in Finland and elsewhere. Artificial Intelligence is part of our everyday life and the Elements of AI course enables democratic, diverse and inclusive utilization of this critical technology throughout the society.
Nokia Foundation recognizes the outstanding work Hanna Hagström, Director of AI Business at Reaktor, and Teemu Roos, Leader of AI Education at the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence and Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Helsinki have done.
The Elements of AI course has helped to teach the basics of AI to more than 220 000 people
in 110 countries. The course is currently available in English, Finnish, Swedish and Estonian.
Nokia Foundation Award 2018:
Heli Jantunen
Professor and the Leader of the Microelectronics Research Unit in University of Oulu, Heli Jantunen, has had several roles in the area of ICT electronics, manufacturing and materials. She is a founder of a company, and as a researcher, she has had over 40 industrial partners. Research in her group spans over multitude of domains of industrial significance, ranging from high frequency applications, energy harvesters, sensors, multifunctional micro modules to modern manufacturing methods like printed electronics. In particular, she has advanced knowledge on technology in electro ceramics and related composites for above mentioned application areas. Her research has been awarded and funded by impressive list of funding agencies, such as Tekes, Academy of Finland, NiCe, EU, ERA.Net and ERC with the Advanced Grant.
She is a prolific inventor of more than 70 patents and has over 250 peer-reviewed scientific publications. She has served as a member of the Research Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering, Academy of Finland, and is currently the General Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of Defense. Additionally, she is an Academician Member of the World Academy of Ceramics from 2013.
Nokia Foundation Award 2017: Erkki Oja
Professor and the Leader of the Microelectronics Research Unit in University of Oulu, Heli Jantunen, has had several roles in the area of ICT electronics, manufacturing and materials. She is a founder of a company, and as a researcher, she has had over 40 industrial partners. Research in her group spans over multitude of domains of industrial significance, ranging from high frequency applications, energy harvesters, sensors, multifunctional micro modules to modern manufacturing methods like printed electronics. In particular, she has advanced knowledge on technology in electro ceramics and related composites for above mentioned application areas. Her research has been awarded and funded by impressive list of funding agencies, such as Tekes, Academy of Finland, NiCe, EU, ERA.Net and ERC with the Advanced Grant.
She is a prolific inventor of more than 70 patents and has over 250 peer-reviewed scientific publications. She has served as a member of the Research Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering, Academy of Finland, and is currently the General Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of Defense. Additionally, she is an Academician Member of the World Academy of Ceramics from 2013.
Nokia Foundation Award 2016: Jari Arkko
For the great contributions to the advancement of the Internet and its technologies and applications during the last 20 years, as well as for your leadership in the global Internet standardization as the chairman of the Internet Engineering Task Force since 2013. You are known as a pioneer in the development of the Internet Protocol version 6, the Mobile Internet and Internet security including your work for the open and community driven Internet of Things. You are leading by example and you represent the best values of the Information and Communications Technologies of Finland.
Nokia Foundation Honorary Award 2015: Juhani Kuusi
Nokia Foundation has granted a Honorary Award or all of the hard work and dedication that helped to build the Nokia Foundation as an important innovative force in its field. The procedures and traditions that were formed under your extensive chairmanship have truly stood the test of time, and are a tribute to your inspiring leadership. Not only have you contributed to the establishment of the Nokia Foundation, you have also been a true pioneer for the information and communication technologies, driving innovations that have transformed the way people communicate with one another and with the connected world.
Nokia Foundation Recognition Award 2015: Matti Latva-aho
Nokia Foundation has granted a Recognition Award for the great contributions to the advancement of radio technology and its application to wireless access standards creation, as well as for your leadership in the Finnish radio technology research and development community. You are known as a pioneer in the development of air interface and link layer technologies applied in the 3G and the 4G cellular networks, with foreseeable applications in the evolving 5G systems. You have been a research leader in radio access technology in several national and international research activities that have had a significant impact on the wireless technologies, standards and their business applications. You have served as the Director of Centre for Wireless Communications at the University of Oulu, contributing to its development into a highly international center of excellence in radio and wireless technologies.
Nokia Foundation Recognition Award 2014: Zach Shelby
For outstanding contributions to the Internet of Things standards, especially in the areas of IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks, routing, web services and security. He is a true pioneer in the use of IPv6 technology that forms the heart of wireless sensor networks and the internet of the connected objects. His entrepreneurial work at Sensinode on the commercialization of the technologies and device solutions was a remarkable technology success, and showed notable future potential. His thought leadership in the industry continues to grow in his current role as the Director of Technical Marketing for Internet of Things at ARM.
Nokia Foundation Recognition Award 2013: Ville Kairamo
Nokia Foundation Recognition Award 2010: Professor Jaakko Astola
Award 2013 was granted for Ville Kairamo due to an exceptional contribution in creating an open innovation platform concept, in Finland and abroad. The successful Demola innovation platform enables students and universities to develop new products and services together with companies, to solve pressing real-world problems and challenges. Demola has, under Kairamo’s leadership, made outstanding innovative achievements in facilitating university, industry and regional cooperation, whilst proactively taking advantage of international opportunities. During the first three years, over 200 services and prototypes have been developed by Demola. Kairamo’s leadership has been a truly cross-border example of innovation, and has made him a positive role model for many young persons in different international communities.
Nokia Foundation Honorary Award 2012: Jorma Ollila
Jorma Ollila is the main catalyst behind the creation and growth of the Nokia Foundation. He saw the need to create a foundation that would focus on telecommunications research in the broad sense of the term. This was at the time when the digitalization of wireless communications was emerging and about to create the conditions for fundamental breakthroughs in technologies, usage and business concepts. Jorma Ollila clearly saw the need to strengthen Finland’s knowledge base in this emerging area. Jorma Ollila was the influential force behind the establishment of the Foundation, and he later went on to strengthen Nokia’s position in line with the growing needs of Finland’s national research activities. His devotion to the activities of the Nokia Foundation has been instrumental in its success. His contributions have enabled the Nokia Foundation to become a major platform for an annual social gathering of leaders from Finnish academia and the government, as well as from other Finnish organizations related to the Finnish telecommunications and research community.
Nokia Foundation Recognition Award 2012: Professor Tommi Jaakkola, MIT
Award 2012 was granted for Tommi Jaakkola’s fundamental contributions to the field of machine learning and their applications in many different domains. Jaakkola has substantially advanced several important fields of science, such as computational biology and information retrieval. His work has had a wide impact across many scientific communities and you have guided many young scientists to successful careers. Tommi Jaakkola’s own career provides an inspiring and encouraging example for scientists, also ones coming from a small country. He has showed how to reach the forefront of scientific research at young age and how to continuously expand human knowledge in collaboration with other top scientists.
Nokia Foundation Honorary Award 2011: Professor Yrjö Neuvo
First ever Nokia Foundation Honorary Award was granted 2011, together with Nokia Research Center, to Professor Yrjö Neuvo from the Aalto University due to his extraordinary and long-standing contributions to success of both Nokia Research Center and Nokia Foundation, and also for groundbreaking contributions to technological advancements that have brought benefits to billions of people. Yrjö Neuvo’s exemplary career, deep scientific thinking, inspiring leadership, personal hands-on attitude and skillful actions
Nokia Foundation Recognition Award 2011: Professor Riitta Hari
This year’s winner of the Nokia Foundation Award is Professor Riitta Hari due to her scientific contributions to the brain research field. Professor Hari has pioneered the use of MEG to record the spatiotemporal pattern of brain activity, thereby providing fundamental insights into auditory, somatosensory, visual, and pain processing as well as motor control in healthy subjects and patient groups. Professor Hari also has demonstrated the existence of a “mirror-neuron system” in the human brain, as well as abnormalities in this system in autistic subjects as examples of Hari’s contributions. Riitta Hari’s exemplary career and devotion to scientific research has made her a positive role model for many young scientists.
Previous recipients of the Nokia Foundation annual award include Lauri Kuokkanen (1995), Pekka Tarjanne (1996), Linus Torvalds (1997), Arto Salomaa (1998), Kullervo Nieminen (1999), Osmo A. Wiio (2000), Ilkka Haikala (2001), Veikko Rintamaki (2002), George Metakides (2003), Heikki Lyytinen (2004), Moncef Gabbouj (2005), Marten Mickos (2006), Pekka Abrahamsson (2007), Aapo Kyrola and Sampo Karjalainen (2008), Jimmy Wales (2009) and Jaakko Astola (2010).
Nokia Foundation Recognition Award 2009: Jimmy Wales
This year’s winner of the Nokia Foundation Award is Professor Jaakko Astola of the Tampere University of Technology, who has been studying, writing and teaching in the field of signal processing for four decades.
Signal processing is the science of extracting information from raw data, be that sounds, pictures, numbers or radio waves. As such, it’s obviously a vital part of the science that makes mobile devices possible.
The professor’s contributions to the telecommunications industry include studies in mathematics, information theory, nonlinear signal processing, and a wide spectrum of applications in engineering, all of which have had a profound impact. The award also recognises his exemplary career and devotion to scientific research and teaching.
Professor Astola began his academic career with work in data correcting code back in the seventies, before moving on to areas such as image processing and compression. His work is one of the reasons that we’re now able to view and shoot videos on a mobile device, for example.
While the professor has recently turned 60 and professes a love of billiards and horses, there’s no suggestion that he’s likely to retire soon and says he wishes to devote his energies to further research for years to come.
“This year’s award focuses on the encouragement of profound science, where often many years pass before the world can reap the benefits from the research. It is a great honour to recognize an individual whose long-term work in science has created a platform for many technological breakthroughs. Professor Jaakko Astola is being awarded particularly for his contribution in the development of sophisticated signal processing methods that have been used in many ICT applications including cell phones.” said Henry Tirri, head of Nokia Research Center and Chairman of the Board of the Nokia Foundation.
Previous recipients of the Nokia Foundation annual award include Lauri Kuokkanen (1995), Pekka Tarjanne (1996), Linus Torvalds (1997), Arto Salomaa (1998), Kullervo Nieminen (1999), Osmo A. Wiio (2000), Ilkka Haikala (2001), Veikko Rintamaki (2002), George Metakides (2003), Heikki Lyytinen (2004), Moncef Gabbouj (2005), Marten Mickos (2006), Pekka Abrahamsson (2007), Aapo Kyrola and Sampo Karjalainen (2008), Jimmy Wales (2010)
The Nokia Foundation, formed in 1995, supports the scientific development of information and telecommunications technologies and promotes education on these topics in Finland. It also awards scholarships to help PhD students complete their studies. This year, the total grants awarded, including 75 Nokia scholarships, the Fulbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair grant and visiting professor grants is EUR 471,700.
The Nokia Foundation has granted its 2009 award to Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, the free, multilingual encyclopedia. Wales was awarded for his contributions to the evolution of the World Wide Web as a participatory and truly democratic platform. The EUR 10,000 award was presented at the Nokia Foundation scholarship awards ceremony on 4 November, 2009.
“It’s a great honor to present this award on behalf of the Board of the Nokia Foundation to an individual who we believe has made a unique contribution to accelerating online collaboration and interaction for millions of people around the world, and effectively democratizing information sharing,” said Henry Tirri, head of Nokia Research Center and Chairman of the Board of the Nokia Foundation. “The theme for this year’s award is Open Innovation, a way of working which is very important for our activities at Nokia Research Center, and a value which we believe is embodied in the participatory and inclusive approach of Wikipedia,” he continued.
Since its creation in 2001, Wikipedia has grown rapidly into one of the largest reference web sites, so far attracting an average of more than 330 million monthly visitors this year. There are more than 75,000 active contributors working on more than 14,000,000 articles in more than 260 languages. Wales is also the co-founder of, a project which expands the participatory editing model into new areas, allowing the global community to come together to build the “rest of the library”.
Previous recipients of the Nokia Foundation annual award include Lauri Kuokkanen (1995), Pekka Tarjanne (1996), Linus Torvalds (1997), Arto Salomaa (1998), Kullervo Nieminen (1999), Osmo A. Wiio (2000), Ilkka Haikala (2001), Veikko Rintamaki (2002), George Metakides (2003), Heikki Lyytinen (2004), Moncef Gabbouj (2005), Marten Mickos (2006), Pekka Abrahamsson (2007), Aapo Kyrola and Sampo Karjalainen (2008).
This year, the Nokia Foundation also awarded 77 scholarships with a total value of EUR 385,000. All 77 scholarships were granted to post-graduate students to support the completion of their doctorate studies in the field of information and data communications technology.
The Nokia Foundation was formed in 1995 to support the scientific development of information and telecommunications technologies and to promote education of the sector in Finland. Multidisciplinary research that bridges approaches from other fields, like social, behavioral, business and services sciences, is highly valued by Nokia.
Nokia Foundation Recognition Award 2008
Nokia Foundation Awards the Founders of Habbo Virtual World
HELSINKI, November 18
Nokia Foundation has granted its 2008 award to Aapo Kyrola and Sampo Karjalainen, the founders of Sulake Corporation Inc., which is best known for its Habbo virtual world and online community.
The EUR 10 000 award was presented at the foundation’s scholarship awards ceremony on November 18, 2008, an event at which the foundation also celebrated its 14th anniversary.
“Aapo Kyrola and Sampo Karjalainen have been chosen for this award because of their contributions to collaborative media and social networking. The Habbo virtual world is loved by teenagers all over the world as an easy way to meet new people and keep in touch with friends. The design of the virtual characters is unique, and the constantly evolving features of the collaborative game have driven innovation in an area where competition is tough,” said Henry Tirri, Head of Nokia Research Center.
Since Sulake was founded in May 2000, over 100 million users have registered with the Habbo service. The Habbo virtual world and online community attracts close to 10 million unique visitors each month. Sulake has offices in 18 countries across five continents and employs over 300 people.
“Research is what allows a company to not only survive economic turmoil, but actually thrive once the market has stabilized again. R&D can be considered an insurance policy, whose premiums are paid during good economic times, hedging against uncertainties in the marketplace. Those companies that are able to focus their efforts and continue to create new, innovative products will be best positioned as the situation improves,”Jorma Ollila, Chairman of Nokia’s Board of Directors, noted in his address at the Foundation’s ceremony.
This year, the Nokia Foundation awarded 76 scholarships totaling EUR 399 000. 74 of the scholarships targeted the support of fast-progressing post-graduate studies leading to doctorates in information and data communications technology, and two were for visiting professors.
Previous recipients of the Nokia Foundation’s annual award were Lauri Kuokkanen (1995), Pekka Tarjanne (1996), Linus Torvalds (1997), Arto Salomaa (1998), Kullervo Nieminen (1999), Osmo A. Wiio (2000), Ilkka Haikala (2001), Veikko Rintamaki (2002), George Metakides (2003), Heikki Lyytinen (2004), Moncef Gabbouj (2005), Marten Mickos (2006), and Pekka Abrahamsson (2007).
The Nokia Foundation was formed in 1995 and supports the scientific development of information and telecommunications technologies and promotes education of the sector in Finland.
Nokia Foundation Recognition Award 2007: Pekka Abrahamsson
Helsinki, Finland – Nokia Foundation has granted its 2007 award to Pekka Abrahamsson for his merits in researching and developing global software development and processes.
The EUR 10,000 award was presented at the Foundation’s scholarship awards ceremony on November 28, 2007, when the Foundation celebrated its 13th year of operation.
Pekka Abrahamsson is a research professor at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and currently head of the FLEXI-ITEA2 project, which aims to improve the competitiveness of Europe’s software development by accelerating and adapting global product development and innovations. There are 37 organizations from eight European countries involved in the project. Abrahamsson is a pioneer of agile software development in Finland, and his team designed Mobile-D, the agile approach for mobile application development. Abrahamsson has also coached several agile software development projects in industry and has authored more than 55 scientific publications on software development and processes.
“Software is one of the key elements driving the Information, Communication and Telecommunications’ role in the economy. At Nokia, the company is branching out into software and services in a unique way, compared with the mobility industry at large. Nokia is renewing and transforming business models, taking different approaches than in the past, as software increases in value,” Jorma Ollila, Chairman of Nokia’s Board of Directors, noted in his address at the Foundation’s ceremony.
This year, Nokia Foundation awarded 89 scholarships totaling EUR 451,500. Of the scholarships, 83 targeted the support of fast-progressing post-graduate studies aiming for a doctorate in information and data communications technology, and six were for visiting fellows and researchers.
Previous recipients of the Nokia Foundation’s annual award were Lauri Kuokkanen (1995), Pekka Tarjanne (1996), Linus Torvalds (1997), Arto Salomaa (1998), Kullervo Nieminen (1999), Osmo A. Wiio (2000), Ilkka Haikala (2001), Veikko Rintamäki (2002), George Metakides (2003), Heikki Lyytinen (2004), Moncef Gabbouj (2005), and Mårten Mickos (2006).
Nokia Foundation was formed in 1995. The Foundation supports the scientific development of information and telecommunications technologies and promotes education of the sector in Finland.
Nokia Foundation Recognition Award 2006: Mårten Mickos
Helsinki, Finland – Nokia Foundation has granted its 2006 award to Mårten Mickos for his merits in advancing the use of Open Source technology and for his inspirational leadership of an international software company.
The EUR 10,000 award was presented at the Foundation’s scholarship awards ceremony on November 22, when the Foundation celebrated its 12th year of operation.
Mårten Mickos has strong merits in the leadership positions of international high-tech companies. Since 2001, he has been CEO of the Open Source company, MySQL. Mickos is known as a strong advocate of the Open Source community and MySQL has been at the forefront of developing successful business around open source. Mickos is a popular key-note speaker at international technology events where his opinions about commercializing and inspiring innovation are noted and discussed widely.
“Every company makes focused investments to maintain and inspire innovativeness. There is a lot of power in open innovation. The example of Internet today strengthens the belief that Nokia has held for a long time: Open standards and platforms create a foundation for success. They enable interoperability of technologies and encourage innovativeness and healthy competition, which in turn increases consumer choice and opens entirely new markets,” Jorma Ollila, Chairman of Nokia’s Board of Directors, noted in his address at the Foundation’s ceremony.
This year, Nokia Foundation awarded 88 scholarships totaling EUR 450,680. Of the scholarships, 79 targeted the support of fast-progressing post-graduate studies aiming for a doctorate in information and data communications technology, three were for visiting fellows and researchers, and five for visits by internationally distinguished lecturers.
Previous recipients of the Nokia Foundation’s annual award were Lauri Kuokkanen (1995), Pekka Tarjanne (1996), Linus Torvalds (1997), Arto Salomaa (1998), Kullervo Nieminen (1999), Osmo A. Wiio (2000), Ilkka Haikala (2001), Veikko Rintamäki (2002), George Metakides (2003), Heikki Lyytinen (2004), and Moncef Gabbouj (2005).
Nokia Foundation was formed in 1995. The Foundation supports the scientific development of information and telecommunications technologies and promotes education of the sector in Finland.